The series is a complete collection of costume plays such as anime, games and uniforms. The series includes a series of underground idols such as the Marina, which is required to have sex in the form of donations and can be served even in front of his boyfriend and producer, an idol voice actor egg melon and Naraka who are drowned in fake pillow sales by young voice actor Kaji. In addition to the anikos, there are also a variety of yelling (also called various play) for victims who have been forced to wear casualties such as nurse clothes, student clothes, squash, crab girls and so on. Each video is reviewed from the photographing material, and a new 60-minute film is added. The new version is re-built as a smashing version that incorporates some of the reconstruction and video processing with the current slightly advanced technology. It is 520 minutes with bold cuts for ease of use, well-established and practical. Table 1 photos, which have been seeing bad nightmares since the day after I took the picture, are not in the image only (use because the curse seems to be okay after one year) It is.